<In databases, "Küpper"
is usually written as "Kupper",
rarely as "Kuepper">
original research articles of
current group members of the
last two years,
older articles, also of former
group members if published with
affiliation to this laboratory,
are available at the institutional
database (that may not be complete
for the newest articles):
author(s), author(s) from
this group
<Links are either directly to a
pdf reprint if the article is open
access, otherwise they are to the
article on the journal website>
Morina F*, Kuvelja A,
Brückner D, Mojović M, Nakarada Đ, Bokhari
SNH, Vujić B, Falkenberg G, Küpper
H* (2025) How eriophyid mites
shape metal metabolism in leaf galls
on Tilia cordata. New Phytologist
(accepted for publication)
Agostini* A, Bína D, Barcyté
D, Bortolus M, Eliáš M, Carbonera D,
Litvín R* (2024)
Eustigmatophyte model of red-shifted
chlorophyll a absorption in
light-harvesting complexes.
Communications Biology 7: 1406. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-07101-9
Küpper H*, Gokul A, Alavez D,
Dhungana SR, Bokhari SNH,
Keyster M, Mendoza-Cozatl* DG (2024)
Identification and characterization
of transition metal-binding proteins
and metabolites in the phloem sap of
Brassica napus. Journal of
Biological Chemistry, 300, 107741, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107741
Gavilán-CuiCui G, Padilla-Contreras
D, Manterola-Barroso C, Morina F,
Merino-Gergichevich C* (2024)
Antioxidant Performance in Hazelnut
(Corylus avellana L.) Cultivars
Shell Is Substantially Influenced by
Season and Locality. Agronomy 14(7),
1412; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14071412
Cao K, Jaime-Pérez N,
Mijovilovich A, Morina F, Bokhari
SNH, Liu Y, Küpper H*, Tao Q*
(2024) Symplasmic and transmembrane
zinc transport is modulated by
in the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Sedum
alfredii. Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety, 275, 116272, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.116272
Özcan E, Simova I, Bina D,
Litvin R, Polivka T* (2024)
Ultrafast spectroscopy of the
hydrophilic carotenoid crocin at
various pH. Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics 26, 10225-10233, https://doi.org/10.1039/D4CP00665H
Kuvelja A, Morina F*,
Mijovilovich A, Bokhari SNH,
Konik P, Koloniuk I, Küpper H*
(2024) Zinc priming enhances
Capsicum annuum immunity against
infection by Botrytis cinerea– From
the whole plant to the molecular
level. Plant Science 343, 112060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2024.112060
Andresen A, Morina F, Bokhari SNH,
Koník P, Küpper H* (2024)
Disturbed electron transport beyond
PSI changes metabolome and
transcriptome in Zn-deficient
soybean. Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) Bioenergetics 1865,
149018 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2023.149018
Navarro-Gómez C, León-Mediavilla J,
Küpper H, Rodríguez-Simón M,
Paganelli-López A, Wen J, Burén S,
Mysore KS, Bokhari SNH,
Imperial J, Escudero V,
González-Guerrero M* (2024)
Nodule-specific Cu+-chaperone NCC1
is required for symbiotic nitrogen
fixation in Medicago truncatula root
nodules. New Phytologist 241,
793-810 https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19360
Colussi A, Bokhari SNH,
Mijovilovich A, Koník P, Küpper
H* (2024) Acclimation to
medium-level non-lethal iron
limitation: adjustment of electron
flow around the PSII and
metalloprotein expression in
Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)
Bioenergetics 1865, 149015, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2023.149015
Kokavcová A, Bokhari SNH,
Mijovilovich A, Morina F,
Lukačová Z, Kohanová J, Lux A*, Küpper
H* (2023) Copper and zinc
accumulation, distribution, and
tolerance in Pistia stratiotes (L.);
revealing the role of root caps.
Aquatic Toxicology 264, 106731, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106731
Morina F, Mijovilovich A, Mishra
A, Brückner D, Vujić B,
Bokhari SNH, Špak J,
Falkenberg G, Küpper H*
(2023) Cadmium and Zn
hyperaccumulation provide efficient
constitutive defense against Turnip
yellow mosaic virus infection in
Noccaea caerulescens. Plant Science
336, 111864, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2023.111864
Mijovilovich A, Cloetens P,
Lanzirotti A, Newville M,
Wellenreuther G, Kumari P, Katsaros
C, Carrano C, Küpper H,
Küpper FC* (2023) Synchrotron X-rays
reveal the modes of Fe binding and
trace metal storage in the brown
algae Laminaria digitata and
Ectocarpus siliculosus. Metallomics
15 (10), mfad058, https://doi.org/10.1093/mtomcs/mfad058
Milic Komic S, Živanovic B, Jelena
Dumanovic J, Kolarž P, Sedlarevic
Zoric A, Morina F, Vidovic
M, Veljovic Jovanovic S* (2023)
Differential Antioxidant Response to
Supplemental UV-B Irradiation and
Sunlight in Three Basil Varieties.
International Journal of Molecular
Sciences 24, 15350. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms242015350
Gardiner AT, Mujakic I, Bina D,
Gardian Z, Kopejtka K, Nupur, Qian
P, Koblizek M (2023).
Characterisation of the
photosynthetic complexes from the
Congregibacter litoralis KT71.
Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta-Bioenergetics, 1864. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbabio.2022.148946
Tortarolo M, Mijovilovich A,
Macedo WAA, Zysler RD, Ramos CP*
(2023) Magnetic behavior of oxide
passivated (Fe0.85Nd0.15)0.6B0.4
amorphous nanoparticles. MRS
Communications, https://doi.org/10.1557/s43579-023-00368-9
Agostini A, Bína D,
Carbonera D, Litvín R*
(2023) Conservation of
triplet-triplet energy transfer
photoprotective pathways in
fucoxanthin chlorophyll-binding
proteins across algal lineages
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)
- Bioenergetics 1864 (2): 148935.
Náhlik V, Čížková M, Singh A,
Mezricky D, Rucki M, Andresen E,
Vitova M* (2023) Growth of the Red
Alga Galdieria sulphuraria in Red
Mud-Containing Medium and
Accumulation of Rare Earth Elements.
and Biomass Valorization.
Pilatova J, Tashyreva D, JTyc J,
Vancová M, Bokhari SNH,
Skoupy R, Klementova M, Küpper H,
Mojzes P, Lukeš J* (2023) Massive
accumulation of strontium and barium
in diplonemid protists. mbio.
Shivaramu S, Tomasch J, Kopejtka K,
Nupur, Saini MK, Bokhari SNH,
Küpper H, Koblížek M* (2023)
The Influence of Calcium on the
Growth, Morphology and
Gene Regulation in Gemmatimonas
phototrophica. Microorganisms,
11, 27.
Andresen E, Flores-Sanchez IJ,
Brückner D, Bokhari SNH,
Falkenberg G, Küpper H*
(2023) Sublethal and lethal Cd
toxicity in soybean roots
specifically affects the metabolome,
Cd binding to proteins and cellular
distribution of Cd. Journal
of Hazardous Materials 442,
Ashraf N, Rodrigues ES, de
Almeida E, Montanha GS, Abreu-Junior
CH, Vítová M, Garcia RHL, Küpper
H*, de Carvalho HWP* (2022)
Identification of potential plant
species hyperaccumulating light rare
earth elements (LREE) in a mining
area in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Environmental
Science and Pollution Research 29,
Vidović M, Battisti I, Pantelić A, Morina
F, Arrigoni G, Masi A,
Veljović Jovanović S* (2022)
Desiccation tolerance in Ramonda
serbica Panc.: An integrative
transcriptomic, proteomic,
metabolite and photosynthetic study.
11, 1199
Qian P, Gardiner AT, Šímová I,
Naydenova K, Croll TI, Jackson PJ,
Nupur , Kloz M, Čubáková P, Kuzma M,
Zeng Y, Castro-Hartmann P, van
Knippenberg B, Goldie KN, Kaftan D,
Hrouzek P, Hájek J, Agirre J,
Siebert CA, Bína D, Sader K,
Stahlberg H, Sobotka R, Russo CJ,
Polívka T, Hunter CN, Koblížek M
(2022) 2.4-Å structure of the
double-ring Gemmatimonas
phototrophica photosystem. Science
Advances, 8. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abk3139
Dominguez-Martin MA, Sauer P, Kirst
H, Sutter M, Bina D, Greber
BJ, Nogales E, Polivka T, Kerfeld
CA* (2022) Structures of a
phycobilisome in light-harvesting
and photoprotectedstates. Nature,
609, 835. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05156-4
Knoppova J, Sobotka R, Yu J, Beckova
J, Pilny M, Trinugroho JP, Csefalvay
L, Bina D, Nixon PJ, Josef
Komenda* (2022). Assembly of D1/D2
complexes of photosystem II: Binding
of pigments and anetwork of
auxiliary proteins. Plant
Physiology, 189, 790-804. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiac045
Kopejtka K, Tomasch J, Kaftan D,
Gardiner AT, Bina D, Gardian
Z, Bellas A, Droge C, Geffers R,
Sommaruga R, Koblizek M* (2022). A
bacterium from a mountain lake
harvests light using
bothproton-pumping xanthorhodopsins
and bacteriochlorophyll based
photosystems. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci
USA, 119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2211018119
Older articles, also of former
group members if published with
affiliation to this laboratory,
are available at the institutional
database (that may not be complete
for the newest articles):
Reviews and Books;
*=corresponding author, group
most are available also at the
institutional database (that may
not be complete for the newest
articles and books):
(12) Morina F*, Küpper H*
(2022) Trace metals at the frontline
of pathogen defence responses in
non-hyperaccumulating plants. Journal
of Experimental Botany 73,
(11) Andresen E, Peiter E, Küpper
H* (2018) Trace metal
metabolism in plants. Journal
of Experimental Botany 69,
(10) Küpper H* (2017) Lead Toxicity in
Plants. in "Lead: Its
Effects on Environment and Health",
Vol. 17 of Metal Ions in Life
Sciences, Eds A. Sigel, H.
Sigel, R.K.O. Sigel, Walter de
Gruyter, GmbH, Berlin, Germany,
pp. 491-500. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110434330-015
(9) Küpper H*, Andresen E
(2016) Mechanisms of metal toxicity
in plants. Metallomics
8, 269-285.
(8) Leitenmaier B, Küpper H*
(2013) Compartmentation and
complexation of metals in
hyperaccumulator plants. Frontiers
(7) Küpper H*, Leitenmaier B
(2013) Cadmium-Accumulating Plants.
(6) Andresen E, Küpper H*
(2013) Cadmium Toxicity in Plants. In: Cadmium: From
Toxicity to Essentiality, Chapter
13, Volume 11 of series "Metal
Ions in Life Sciences". (Eds:
Sigel A, Sigel H, Sigel RKO).
Springer Science + Business Media
B.V., Dordrecht; pp. 395-414. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5179-8_13
(5) Küpper H* (2011)
Foreword of: Detoxification
of Heavy metals (Eds: Sherameti I,
Varma A) Springer, pp. v-xiv.
(4) Küpper H*, Kroneck PMH
(2007) Nickel in the Environment and
Its Role in the Metabolism of Plants
and Cyanobacteria. In:
Metal Ions in Life Sciences,
Volume 2, chapter 2. (Eds: Sigel
A, Sigel H, Sigel RKO). Wiley,
Chichester; pp. 31-62.
(3) Küpper H*, Küpper FC,
Spiller M (2006) [Heavy
metal]-chlorophylls formed in vivo
during heavy metal stress and
degradation products formed during
digestion, extraction and storage of
plant material.
In: Chlorophylls and
Biochemistry, Biophysics,
Functions and Applications (B.
Grimm, R. Porra, W. Rüdiger and H.
Scheer, eds.), Vol. 25 of series
”Advances in Photosynthesis and
Respiration” (Series editor:
Govindjee), chapter 5. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht;
pp. 67-77.
(2) Küpper H*, Kroneck PMH
(2005) Heavy metal uptake by plants
and cyanobacteria. In:
Metal Ions in Biological Systems,
Band 44, Kapitel 5. (Eds: Sigel A,
Sigel H, Sigel RKO). Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York; pp.
97-142. PubMed ID: 15971666
(1) Küpper, H* (2001)
Physiology of hyperaccumulator and
non-accumulator plants: heavy metal
uptake, transport, compartmentation,
stress and resistance. (Doctoral
thesis). UFO Atelier für Gestaltung
und Verlag, Allensbach (ISBN