fields and interests of our department
We are interested in the physiology, biophysics and
biochemistry (incl. molecular biology) of
photosynthetic organisms (green/brown/red algae,
terrestrial and submerged higher plants,
cyanobacteria). The main focus is on metal
metabolism in terms of uptake, physiological use,
sequestration/complexation, detoxification, toxicity
and interaction with plant immunity against
Some of these mechanisms are
plant-specific (e.g. inhibition of photosynthesis or
detoxification by sequestration into vacuoles), but
many of them are very similar to mechanisms found in
animals (incl. humans). For example, all major
families of metal transporting proteins that are
important in plants are found in animals, and often
in bacteria as well. In this way, analysing such
mechanisms in a plant model is also directly
relevant for understanding metal metabolism in other
groups of organisms, incl. humans. As some examples,
we investigate how metal transport proteins function
and how expression of such metal transport proteins
varies depending on physiological state and
development of a tissue. We investigate which
ligands bind to the metals inside various cells and
cellular comparments, and with which kinetics and in
which quantities metals are sequestered into storage
sites. In terms of toxicity, we analyse in which
sequence, in which causal relationship, in which
metal concentration range and under which
environmental conditions (e.g. irradiance) damage
mechanisms occur that were proposed in previous
studies. An investigation of the time sequences,
concentration dependence and causal relationships is
particularly important in the case of these
potential damage mechanisms because, in principle,
they can strongly influence each other. For example,
a decreased efficiency of exciton usage for
photosynthesis can increase the formation of
reactive oxygen species. And the other way round,
photosynthesis may become inhibited as a consequence
of oxidative damage to the thylakoid membranes and
the proteins involved in photosynthesis. As a new
research field, we started working on the
interactions between trace metal metabolism in
plants and interactions of these plants with
pathogens, because many proteins involved in plant
immunity are metalloproteins, and non-protein metal
complexes may play a role as well.
Although our research primarily
aims at analysing basic mechanisms of function, it
is often closely related to practical applications.
For example, even today heavy metal toxicity is
still a major problem in many regions of the world -
including middle Europe, where e.g. Cu- and
Zn-toxicity is often caused by the agricultural use
of Cu und Zn containing pesticides. In addition,
metal refineries and abandoned hazardous sites in
former and current industry cause such environmental
problems. Further, hyperaccumulator plants, which
naturally use an active accumulation of heavy metals
in their above-ground tissues as a defence against
herbivores and pathogens, are already successfully
used for biotechnological detoxification
("phytoremediation", especially of Cd) and for
commercial extraction of metals ("phytomining",
important mainly for Ni). At the same time,
agricultural plants in many regions of the world
suffer from deficiency of essential trace metals,
with Zn being a prominent example.
In our projects, we do not only
use various terrestrial and aquatic species of
higher plants, but also microorganisms (algae,
cyanobacteria, purple bacteria). First, we use such
organisms as models for specific experiments that
investigate general questions that are relevant for
higher plants and possibly animals but that are
difficult to analyse with such "higher" organisms.
This applies e.g. to questions concerning the
ecotoxicology of heavy metals..
For these investigations, we also
developed methods of our own, e.g. the "Fluorescence
kinetic Microscopes" (FKM's), improved methods and
instrumentation for ultra-trace HPLC-ICPMS, a method
for quantification of pigments in complex mixtures
by Gauss-Peak-Spectra (GPS), a method for
quantitative mRNA in situ hybridization (QISH), and
a chamber for measuring photosynthesis and oxygen
evolution of filamentous algae.
detailed descriptions of individual research
fields, and links to major current projects/grants
within them, are provided below.
Key methods applied
in our projects
involve the following (in our and collaborating
labs); links provided below are to devices in our
own labs unless specifically mentioned. You can
download a short video presentation about key
methods of our team here.
(1) Spectroscopy:
(a) UV/Vis/NIR-
absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy, with
emphasis on the analysis of chlorophyll
fluorescence kinetics, microscopic (single-cell,
time-resolved and in vivo) spectroscopy and
pigment analysis in complex mixtures
(b) X-ray spectroscopy: X-ray absorption
spectroscopy ((µ)XANES, EXAFS) at synchrotrons (e.g.
P64), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (µXRF) -
see 2b below;
(c) elemental analysis (ICP-AES, ICP-MS,
(2) Microscopy:
(a) light microscopy: spatially
and spectrally resolved fluorescence kinetic
microscopy from microseconds to hours (to study
biophysics of photosynthetis and metal
trafficking); confocal microscopy for
quantitative mRNA in
situ hybridisation; classical transmission
and fluorescence microscopy
(b) X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) in
2D mode in vivo sing an in-house beamline (15µm
resolution) and as tomography using
synchrotron beamlines at DESY
P06, Diamond
i18 and ESRF
(3) Gas exchange measurements
(a) Infrared
gas analyzer for measuring CO2 and water vapour
exchange of leaves of terrestrial plants
(b) Clark-type electrodes in various chambers for
algae and submerged water plants
(3) Quantitative macroscopic imaging
(a) Analysis
of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics of whole
leaves and small plants
(b) Quantitative
imaging of gels, blots and tissues in absorbance,
fluorescence and chemiluminescence mode
(4) Biochemical and biophysical analysis of
isolated proteins
(a) activity
and metal binding assays of purified proteins
(b) spectroscopies listed under (1)
(c) metalloproteomics: analysis
of metal binding to proteins via HPLC-ICPMS
and mass spectrometric identification of novel
Molecular genetics:
(a) quantitative mRNA in situ hybridisation (QISH),
(b) quantitative PCR
(6) Preparative
(a) HPLC of low MW compounds and proteins: under
anoxic conditions, medium-scale
bioinert, small-scale
strictly metal-free;
(b) gel
electrophoresis of proteins and DNA/RNA;
(c) isolation and work with protoplasts
- Projects
PBB department
- Trace metals in plants
- Regulation of photosynthesis
- Development of methods and scientific
- Ultratrace metal speciation analysis
in proteins and pigments by metal-free
HPLC coupled to sector-field ICP-MS (Küpper
et al., 2019), 3D
tour of the clean room
- µXANES tomography (Mijovilovich
et al., 2019)
- benchtop µXRF - optimisation for in
vivo imaging of trace elements (Mijovilovich
et al., 2020), 3D
tour of the µXRF lab
- The Fluorescence kinetic Microscopes
(FKM): with ms time resolution (Küpper
et al., 2000), with
additional spectral resolution (Küpper
et al., 2007), and with
µs time resolution (Küpper
et al., 2019), 3D
tour of the optics lab
- Quantification of pigments in complex
mixtures by Gauss-Peak-Spectra (GPS):
550-750nm for chlorophylls (Küpper
et al., 2000), 330-750nm range for
chlorophylls and carotenoids (Küpper
et al., 2007)
- Quantitative mRNA in situ
hybridization (Küpper
et al., 2007)
- Chamber for measuring photosynthesis
and oxygen evolution of filamentous
algae (Küpper
et al., 2004)
Trace metals
in plants
lead scientists of the field in our
and recent grants related to this
research direction led by our department
Mechanisms of
trace metal toxicity and deficiency stress
Hendrik Küpper
Elisa Andresen
Filis Morina |
(CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000336, Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports, co-financed
by the European Union)
updates on ResearchGate
Goals of this part of KOROLID:
a) Environmental risk assessment. While many
potential mechanisms of metal toxicity have
been proposed, most of them were
investigated only under rather artificial
laboratory conditions. Therefore, using
aquatic and terrestrial model organisms we
will evaluate the relevance of different
proposed mechanisms of metal-induced
inhibition under environmentally relevant
conditions and compare the results with
those obtained under conditions that were
used in identifying the putative toxicity
(b) Improved agriculture through more
targeted fertilization, plus breeding crops
that tolerate varying metal concentrations
or that are able to grow in adverse
conditions where current crops either suffer
from deficiency or toxicity and/or contain
an elemental composition that is suboptimal
for human health. We want how in plants
metal (Cr, Cu, La, Mn, Nd, Zn) deficiency
and onset of metal(loid) (As, Cd, Cr, Cu,
La, Mn, Nd, Zn) toxicity lead to a change in
metal distribution between different
tissues, different cellular compartments and
different metal-binding proteins, rather
than a general concentration change in many
(c) The analysis of differences in
photosynthesis biophysics and metal/acid
resistance of Zn-BChl containing bacteria
compared to their Mg-BChl containing
relatives will help in understanding why
almost all organisms utilize the
Mg-complexes, and under which exact
conditions it becomes advantageous to use
Project "Trace Metal Metabolism in Plants -
(COST Association grant CA19116)
Objectives of the COST Action PLANTMETALS to
which our department will contribute within
this field of our research
(a) Our work will aid environmental risk
assessment. While many potential mechanisms
of metal toxicity have been proposed, most
of them were investigated only under rather
artificial laboratory conditions. Therefore,
using aquatic and terrestrial model
organisms we will evaluate the relevance of
different proposed mechanisms of
metal-induced inhibition under
environmentally relevant conditions and
compare the results with those obtained
under conditions that were used in
identifying the putative toxicity
mechanisms. We have chosen Cu, Cr and Cd as
model heavy metals, plus arsenic as a toxic
metalloid, because they most frequently
reach toxic concentrations in contaminated
environments. But this also applies to "rare
earth" elements (e.g. La, Nd) in their
mining regions.
(b) Our work on mechanisms of trace metal
metabolism, although being basic research by
itself, will help to improve agriculture.
This will be through more targeted
fertilization as thresholds and mechanisms
of beneficial and toxic effects of trace
metals will be better known. This will
furthermore help other groups in the network
in breeding crops that tolerate varying
metal concentrations or that are able to
grow in adverse conditions where current
crops either suffer from deficiency or
toxicity and/or contain an elemental
composition that is suboptimal for human
Project "Relationship between naturally zinc
containing bacteriochlorophyll (Zn-BChl) and
ecological adaptation in Acidiphilium
bacteria" (Czech Science Foundation grant
updates on ResearchGate
Goal: The purpose of the project is to
investigate mechanisms of sublethal copper
toxicity in two contrasting groups of purple
bacteria: Acidiphilium and Rhodospirillum.
We want to find out and in how far
differences in copper resistance and damage
caused by copper toxicity in these organisms
are related to the different natural central
ion in their BChl (Mg2+ in Rhodospirillum
vs. Zn2+ in Rhodospirillum).
of trace metals in plant immunity against
biotic stress
Filis Morina
Hendrik Küpper
(CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000336, Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports, co-financed
by the European Union)
updates on ResearchGate
Goal of this part of KOROLID: Improved
agriculture via better knowledge about the
role of metals in plant immunity against
pathogens. This is an exciting emerging
field, since it turned out that many
proteins that are essential for plant
immunity need metal binding for their
Project "Trace Metal Metabolism in Plants -
(COST Association grant CA19116)
Objectives of the COST Action PLANTMETALS to
which our department will contribute within
this field of our research.
Our research should contribute to better
understanding of the mechanisms of
metal-induced plant immunity and the
crosstalk between abiotic and biotic stress,
both in hyperaccumulators and in crop
plants. This is an exciting emerging field,
since it turned out that many proteins that
are essential for plant immunity need metal
binding for their function. By exploring the
role of essential micronutrients (Zn, Mn,
Ni) in plant response to pathogenic fungi
(generalist and specialist) we will corelate
micronutrient distribution and accumulation
with the induction of organic defence
pathways (such as phytohormone signalling),
reactive oxygen species accumulation,
accumulation of secondary metabolites and
changes in the cell wall.
of trace metal resistance and
Hendrik Küpper
Filis Morina
(CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000336, Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports, co-financed
by the European Union)
updates on ResearchGate
Goal of this part of KOROLID:
Phytoremediation of polluted soils and
aquifers. Heavy metal hyperaccumulators are
of great interest because of their use in
phytoremediation of contaminated soils and
in phytomining, but also as models for
fundamental mechanisms of metal metabolism.
Our project will contribute to the
understanding of physiological and
biochemical mechanisms of hyperaccumulation
by revealing mechanisms of metal uptake,
transport and detoxification.
Project "Trace Metal Metabolism in Plants -
(COST Association grant CA19116)
Objectives of the COST Action PLANTMETALS
(citation from the MoU) to which our
department will contribute within this field
of our research:
Our work will contribute to better
phytoremediation of polluted soils and
aquifers. Heavy metal hyperaccumulators are
of great interest because of their use in
phytoremediation of contaminated soils and
in phytomining, but also as models for
fundamental mechanisms of metal metabolism.
Our project will contribute to the
understanding of physiological and
biochemical mechanisms of hyperaccumulation
by revealing mechanisms of metal uptake,
transport and detoxification.
Project "Roles of apoplastic and symplastic
transport in cadmium and zinc uptake
in the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Sedum
alfredii" (Czech Academy of Sciences -
National Natural Sciences Foundation of
China (collaboration grant NSFC-21-05 with Dr. Qi Tao as
PI in PR China)
updates on ResearchGate
Goal: Although most studies have reported
that trace metal ions in hyperaccumulators
reach the xylem mostly through the
symplastic pathway, our latest research
indicated a significance of the apoplastic
pathway. This project aims at determining
the importance of the apoplastic compared to
the symplastic pathway of metal loading into
the xylem and metal distribution inside the
of photosynthesis
Light harvesting in aquatic microorganisms
Radek Litvin
David Bina
Czech Science Foundation
project 20-01159S Interactions between
pigments for efficient light harvesting and
photoprotection in photosynthesis.
(with Jakub Psencik, Charles universiy in
The goal of the project is to elucidate the
role of two types of interactions between
pigments for efficient light harvesting and
photoprotection in photosynthetic
light-harvesting complexes, and to use the
results for optimization of artificial
antenna complexes based on self-assembly of
Regulation of
photosynthesis for nitrogen fixation in
Hendrik Küpper |
(CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000336, Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports, co-financed
by the European Union)
Goal of this part of KOROLID: More realistic
estimation of the productivity of
ecosystems, especially the oceans. This will
be tackled by a project on regulation of
photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation under
iron limitation stress, involving the
expression of alternative protein isoforms
which we first observed as a phenomenon in
an earlier study. This project will
furthermore study how the oxygen-sensitive
iron centers in the nitrogenase are
protected from damage, where still
controversial theories exist.
designed by Hendrik
Küpper, last modified 12 October 2023